We deliver in temperature-controlled vehicles to London and the South East…
Delivery & Vehicles
Our vehicles are regularly serviced and maintained in order to keep fuel consumption to a minimum.
When upgrading vehicles, fuel consumption and emission figures are taken into consideration when choosing which vehicle to buy. This applies to our commercial fleet and any company cars purchased.
Our delivery runs are continually re-organised to try to provide the most efficient routes.
All deliveries are carried out early in the day in order to avoid congestion, thereby reducing fuel consumption and pollution of urban areas.
All vehicles are fitted with efficient CFC-free thermostatically-controlled chiller units and full body insulation to reduce energy loss.
All drivers are instructed to turn off their refrigeration units when the vehicle is empty or carrying goods which do not require refrigeration.
Reducing Food Miles
Our sales team actively try to encourage chefs to choose more seasonal products, which do not rely on inefficient freight to get them to Britain.
By ordering seasonally, caterers can make a huge difference to the amount of energy consumed, and pollution generated by moving food unnecessarily around the planet.
You can help too!
If we can help you reduce your carbon footprint in any way let us know. Please order smart, and stay with the seasons. Try to cut down on second deliveries which would help keep our vehicles off the road. We are continually trying to reduce our impact on the environment, anything you could do would be beneficial.